Rails Dependency Management

Rails has two methods of adding external libraries to a project, rubygems and plugins. There are also different ways to manage these external libraries. Here are some conventions I've picked up over the years for managing dependencies in development and deployment as painless and maintainable as possible.


I prefer using gems over plugins whenever possible because they are easily shared between different applications, and are versioned. Multiple versions of the same gem can be installed on the same box, and it's up to the application to specify which version it wants to use. This is great if you have older apps that aren't ready to go up to a newer version living in the same environment as apps who are already using a newer version of the same library.

Gem Bundler

In addition to installing gem dependencies on production boxen by hand, there's an interesting new kid on the block called Bundler. The idea is you declare what gems and versions belong with a Rails application in a Gemfile which is used by the 'gem bundle' command to freeze those gems into vendor/gems. To 'freeze' a library in Rails-speak is to copy that library into the vendor directory; It offers the same tradeoffs as static-linking and dynamic-linking.

I use a combination of Bundler and Rail's builtin 'config.gem' on Heroku. For every gem that is already available on the hosts, I use 'config.gem' and use the existing shared gem to avoid wasting space with freezing gems. For gems that are not available on the box, I have a Gemfile that Bundler uses to freeze gems on every deploy. I get the benefit of static-linking for gems aren't available on the local host, but also get the benefit saving space with dynamic-linking.


Originally I thought of gems as general purpose ruby libraries, and 'plugins' as ruby libraries that are only useful within a Rails application. That distinction isn't very useful practically. Even if a shared library is only useful within a Rails app, I still prefer to use a gem because gems are versioned and have tools to maintain and manipulate them. Luckily many Rails plugins usually offer themselves as both a tradition plugin that gets frozen in vendor/plugins, or as a gem dependency.

One plugin nasty plugin habit I had to get rid of was the urge to 'script/generate plugin' whenever I wasn't sure where to put a certain chunk of modular code. Before you do this, remember that plugins are supposed to be resuable in any Rails app. If your plugin can't be decoupled from your Rails project and dropped into a fresh one, then it probably belongs in 'lib' and not 'vendor/plugins'.

Avoid Dependencies

Probably the most important lesson I've learned is to not get too trigger happy with adding new external libraries. There are a lot of good libraries out there, but plenty of bad ones too. Before you marry yourself to a particular library, research it thoroughly; Is it actively maintained? Are there lots of complaints about it in the blogosphere? Are there tests? Does the code look well written? Is there documentation?

and most importantly of all...

Do I actually need this functionality?

I've been burned plenty of times for installing something new and shiny and then ditching it later because it was much more than I needed. Just like it's more elegant to write less code, more concisely; The same principle applies when introducing new dependencies to your application.