Out of the box, Faraday functions like a normal HTTP client with a easy to use interface.
Faraday.get 'http://example.com'
Alternatively, you can initialize a Faraday::Connection
conn = Faraday.new
response = conn.get 'http://example.com'
conn.post 'http://example.com', :some_param => 'Some Value'
conn.put 'http://example.com', :other_param => 'Other Value'
conn.delete 'http://example.com/foo'
# head, patch, and options all work similarly
Parameters can be set inline as the 2nd hash argument. To specify headers, add optional hash after the parameters argument or set them through an accessor:
conn.get 'http://example.com', {}, {'Accept' => 'vnd.github-v3+json'}
conn.params = {'tesla' => 'coil'}
conn.headers = {'Accept' => 'vnd.github-v3+json'}
If you have a restful resource you're accessing with a common base url, you can pass in a :url
parameter that'll be prefixed to all other calls. Other request options can also be set here.
conn = Faraday.new(:url => 'http://example.com/comments')
conn.get '/index' # GET http://example.com/comments/index
All HTTP verb methods can take an optional block that will yield a Faraday::Request
conn.get '/' do |request|
request.params['limit'] = 100
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
request.body = "{some: body}"
payload = { :name => 'Maguro' }
# uploading a file:
payload = { :profile_pic => Faraday::UploadIO.new('avatar.jpg', 'image/jpeg') }
# "Multipart" middleware detects files and encodes with "multipart/form-data":
conn.put '/profile', payload
Basic and Token authentication are handled by Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication
and Faraday::Request::TokenAuthentication
respectively. These can be added as middleware manually or through the helper methods.
conn.basic_auth('pita', 'ch1ps')
To specify an HTTP proxy:
Faraday.new(:proxy => 'http://proxy.example.com:80')
Faraday.new(:proxy => {
:uri => 'http://proxy.example.com',
:user => 'foo',
:password => 'bar'
See the Setting up SSL certificates wiki page.
conn = Faraday.new('https://encrypted.google.com', :ssl => {
:ca_path => "/usr/lib/ssl/certs"
conn.get '/search?q=asdf'
Like a Rack app, a Faraday::Connection
object has a list of middlewares. Faraday middlewares are passed an env
hash that has request and response information. Middlewares can manipulate this information before and after a request is executed.
To make this more concrete, let's take a look at a new Faraday::Connection
conn = Faraday.new
> #<Faraday::Builder:0x00000131239308
@handlers=[Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded, Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp]>
is analogus to Rack::Builder
. The newly initialized Faraday::Connection
object has a middleware Faraday::Request::UrlEncoded
in front of an adapter Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
. When a connection object executes a request, it creates a shared env
hash, wraps the outer middlewares around each inner middleware, and executes the call
method. Also like a Rack application, the adapter at the end of the builder chain is what actually executes the request.
Middlewares can be grouped into 3 types: request middlewares, response middlewares, and adapters. The distinction between the three is cosmetic. The following two initializers are equivalent:
Faraday.new do |builder|
builder.request :retry
builder.request :basic_authentication, 'login', 'pass'
builder.response :logger
builder.adapter :net_http
Faraday.new do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Request::Retry
builder.use Faraday::Request::BasicAuthentication, 'login', 'pass'
builder.use Faraday::Response::Logger
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::NetHttp
If you wanted to use a different HTTP adapter, you can plug one in. For example, to use a EventMachine friendly client, you can switch to the EMHttp adapter:
conn = Faraday.new do |builder|
builder.use Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp
# alternative syntax that looks up registered adapters from lib/faraday/adapter.rb
builder.adapter :em_http
Currently, the supported adapters are Net::HTTP, EM::HTTP, Excon, and Patron.
The order in which middleware is stacked is important. Like with Rack, the first middleware on the list wraps all others, while the last middleware is the innermost one, so that's usually the adapter.
conn = Faraday.new(:url => 'http://sushi.com') do |builder|
# POST/PUT params encoders:
builder.request :multipart
builder.request :url_encoded
builder.adapter :net_http
This request middleware setup affects POST/PUT requests in the following way:
checks for files in the payload, otherwise leaves everything untouched;Request::UrlEncoded
encodes as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" if not already encoded or of another typeSwapping middleware means giving the other priority. Specifying the "Content-Type" for the request is explicitly stating which middleware should process it.
payload = { :name => 'Maguro' }
# uploading a file:
payload = { :profile_pic => Faraday::UploadIO.new('avatar.jpg', 'image/jpeg') }
# "Multipart" middleware detects files and encodes with "multipart/form-data":
conn.put '/profile', payload
Each Faraday::Connection
instance has a Faraday::Builder
instance that can be used to manipulate the middlewares stack.
conn = Faraday.new
conn.builder.swap(1, Faraday::Adapter::EMHttp) # replace adapter
conn.builder.insert(0, MyCustomMiddleware) # add middleware to beginning
For a full list of actions, take a look at the Faraday::Builder
Middleware are classes that respond to call
. They wrap the request/response cycle. When it's time to execute a middleware, it's called with an env
hash that has information about the request and response. The general interface for a middleware is:
class MyCustomMiddleware
def call(env)
# do something with the request
@app.call(env).on_complete do |env|
# do something with the response
# env[:response] is now filled in
It's important to do all processing of the response only in the on_complete block. This enables middleware to work in parallel mode where requests are asynchronous.
is a hash with symbol keys that contains info about the request and response.
:method - a symbolized request method (:get, :post, :put, :delete, :option, :patch)
:body - the request body that will eventually be converted to a string.
:url - URI instance for the current request.
:status - HTTP response status code
:request_headers - hash of HTTP Headers to be sent to the server
:response_headers - Hash of HTTP headers from the server
:parallel_manager - sent if the connection is in parallel mode
:request - Hash of options for configuring the request.
:timeout - open/read timeout Integer in seconds
:open_timeout - read timeout Integer in seconds
:proxy - Hash of proxy options
:uri - Proxy Server URI
:user - Proxy server username
:password - Proxy server password
:response - Faraday::Response instance. Available only after `on_complete`
:ssl - Hash of options for configuring SSL requests.
:ca_path - path to directory with certificates
:ca_file - path to certificate file
Faraday::Adapter::Test is an HTTP adapter middleware that lets you to fake responses.
# It's possible to define stubbed request outside a test adapter block.
stubs = Faraday::Adapter::Test::Stubs.new do |stub|
stub.get('/tamago') { [200, {}, 'egg'] }
# You can pass stubbed request to the test adapter or define them in a block
# or a combination of the two.
test = Faraday.new do |builder|
builder.adapter :test, stubs do |stub|
stub.get('/ebi') {[ 200, {}, 'shrimp' ]}
# It's also possible to stub additional requests after the connection has
# been initialized. This is useful for testing.
stubs.get('/uni') {[ 200, {}, 'urchin' ]}
resp = test.get '/tamago'
resp.body # => 'egg'
resp = test.get '/ebi'
resp.body # => 'shrimp'
resp = test.get '/uni'
resp.body # => 'urchin'
resp = test.get '/else' #=> raises "no such stub" error
# If you like, you can treat your stubs as mocks by verifying that all of
# the stubbed calls were made. NOTE that this feature is still fairly
# experimental: It will not verify the order or count of any stub, only that
# it was called once during the course of the test.