Rack is a simple and flexible library for building Ruby web applications and web frameworks. It powers frameworks like Rails and Sinatra, and can be used to build custom reusable components called Rack middleware. If you develop web apps with Ruby, you're likely using Rack even if you're unaware of it. While it's typically used to build low-level abstractions close to HTTP, knowing how to use it leads to more modular designs and allows you to leverage a large list of existing Rack components. In this post, I introduce what Rack is step by step, and point towards some useful applications in the wild.
Rack [was released in 2007](http://chneukirchen.org/blog/archive/2007/02 /introducing-rack.html) by Christian Neukirchen. The project README starts with:
Rack provides a minimal, modular and adaptable interface for developing web applications in Ruby. By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible, it unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks, and software in between (the so-called middleware) into a single method call.
Confused? Don't worry, we'll go over each part individually.
By wrapping HTTP requests and responses in the simplest way possible...
Stepping back from Ruby, what is the 'simplest way' to think about an HTTP request and response? Without knowing the language or framework an application is using, the perspective from a webapp looks like:
HTTP Request -> Webapp -> HTTP Response
An HTTP request has a method like GET or POST, a server host and port, some uri resource path, and optionally a query string.
GET /posts?page=2 # method, resource uri, query string
Accept: 'text/html' # one or more HTTP headers...
Cookie: 'foo=bar'
X-Custom: 'value'
The web application's job is to takes this information and generate a HTTP response like:
200 OK
Content-Type: 'text/html'
Content-Length: 75
Without knowing how the response was generated, the parts of an HTTP
response are the same independent of language and framework. The 200
code indicates a
successful response. Additionally, HTTP header
fields describe what
the response is.
Rack wraps the request and response information into one large hash called the
environment hash. Rack passes this env
hash to your application and
expects a return value with 3 parts:
, Content-Length
and yields strings of
response content[rack] unifies and distills the API for web servers, web frameworks ... into a single method call
The only entry point that a Rack component must implement is a method named
that takes the env
hash as its only argument. For example, the
following is a valid Rack application:
class MyApp
def call(env)
# env has request/response information
puts env['PATH_INFO']
puts env['HTTP_ACCEPT']
# return status, headers, and response bodies.
# note that multiple response bodies will be concatenated.
[200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['Hello!']]
As an application developer, you can think in terms of the env
hash instead
of parsing out all the HTTP values manually. The response MyApp
generates is
returned in the last line as an array, and has the status code, headers, and
list of response bodies.
Rack also provides an object-oriented interface to access request information
and building responses. MyApp
can also be written as:
class MyApp
def call(env)
request = Rack::Request.new(env)
request.get? # is the request a GET request?
request.params # query parameters
request.cookies # yummy
# do stuff with `request`...
response = Rack::Response.new
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html'
response.write 'Hello!'
response.finish # converts object into rack expected response
We say something is rackable when it responds to a method #call
takes one argument (the env
hash), and returns a rack compatible response.
For really simple Rack components, a common shortcut is to use a
procs-and-lambdas/) to define an anonymous endpoint. Because lambdas and procs
respond to #call
, it fits the Rack requirement.
lambda {|env|
[200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/plain'}, ['This is a valid rack app']]
See the documentation for Rack::Request and Rack::Response for details. The Rack specification has a full listing of what's available in the environment hash.
Now that we've seen what Rack is, let's explore the benefits from implementing this contract.
An application server is a library responsible for handling the plumbing of HTTP. It takes care of things like binding to a port, listening for connections, parsing headers, and constructing responses. Sometimes they are a collection of tools each responsible for one part of serving a HTTP request, other times, they may be one monolithic tool that handles all parts of the HTTP lifecycle. Each app server has different features, allowing you to choose one that's right for your needs.
Rack makes it easy to switch between app servers without touching your application code. For example, to serve our sample application with the builtin Ruby HTTP server WEBrick:
require 'rack'
class MyApp
def call(env)
[200, {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['hello']]
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(MyApp.new, {:Port => 3000})
If you wanted to use a different app server, for example Thin, then you can change the last line to:
Rack::Handler::Thin.run(MyApp.new, {:Port => 3000})
Both of the above files can be directly run from the command line. See the Rack::Handler documentation for details.
Rack middleware is a Rack component that manipulates the environment hash
before invoking another Rack component's #call
method. Middleware can be
used to modify a request before an application sees it, or modify a response
generated by an application. This is useful for building shared filters that
are independent of the underlying application. For example, to filter the word
'truck' from all response bodies:
class ProfanityFilter
# Middleware need to accept a downstream Rack component
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
# call underlying application, returning the standard rack response
# @app is always initialized as the `next` rack component to call
status, headers, bodies = @app.call(env)
# modify response bodies in place
bodies.map! {|body| body.gsub! /truck/, ''}
# return a valid rack response
[status, headers, bodies]
This middleware is an example of a middleware that modifies the response
generated by a downstream application. Like other Rack components, it also
uses #call
as it's entry point. In addition to this, its first constructor
argument has to be another Rack component. The convention is to save this
argument in an instance variable called @app
. Middleware can determine when
it wants to call the downstream app, and what to do with the app's response.
By having this stackable chain of middleware components feeding into each other and manipulating each others' inputs and responses, it makes it possible to compose application behavior in separate reusable components rather than a single fat blob of code.
Rack comes builtin with a utility object for composing middlewares and
applications together called Rack::Builder. For example the following wraps the ProfanityFilter
middleware around the MyApp
app = Rack::Builder.new do
use ProfanityFilter
run MyApp
Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run(MyApp.new, {:Port => 3000})
To further remove boilerplate code, Rack comes with a convenience executable
called rackup
that allows you to swap out servers without any code. When run
without arguments, rackup
looks for a file named config.ru
to configure a
# sample 'config.ru' evaluated within a Rack::Builder instance
use ProfanityFilter
run MyApp
Then to run the application from the commandline:
> rackup config.ru
> rackup -s thin -p 4000 # use thin as a server and run on port 4000
Any additional arguments passed to use
will be passed to the contructor of
the middleware. Remember that the first argument of a middleware is always the
downstream Rack component:
# extra arguments are passed into the middleware constructor
use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key => 'rack.session'
Multiple Rack components can manipulate the environment hash serially without
knowing what other rack components are being used. Each component run after
the last, and its own response is passed back to the component above it.
Sometimes a middleware will inject additional functionality into the
environment hash for downstream components to use. One example is
Rack::Session::Cookie, a middleware that adds a env['rack.session']
object for downstream apps to use.
use Rack::Session::Cookie
run lambda {|env|
# Rather than manipulating cookies ourselves, the upstream middleware gave
# us a helper object to set and read cookies
puts env['rack.session'] # read what's in our session
env['rack.session']['some_key'] = 'some_value' # written to cookie for us
Because the environment hash is a plain old Ruby hash, you can decorate it
with any functionality you want. Typically the convention is to use string
keys and to namespace the key by the project name. For example, OmniAuth
is a Rack library that allows applications to plugin different authentication
providers. When authentication completes, the relevant auth information is
given in an env['omniauth.auth']
hash. The values don't have to be Ruby
primitive objects either. In Rack::Stream, a library for building
streaming Ruby webapps, env['stream.app']
is a Rack::Stream::App
instance that has callable methods and features that can be used downstream.
The contract of what's made available downstream is up to individual
libraries, but the separate between each layer helps keep the components
separate and well factored.
Rails is one of the best examples of a complex chain of middleware in action.
In fact, if you generate a bare Rails app, and run rake middleware
, you'll
> rake middleware
use ActionDispatch::Static
use Rack::Lock
use #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware:0x007f8424bd1a50>
use Rack::Runtime
use Rack::MethodOverride
use ActionDispatch::RequestId
use Rails::Rack::Logger
use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
use ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp
use ActionDispatch::Reloader
use ActionDispatch::Callbacks
use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
use ActiveRecord::QueryCache
use ActionDispatch::Cookies
use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
use ActionDispatch::Flash
use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
use ActionDispatch::Head
use Rack::ConditionalGet
use Rack::ETag
use ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
run MyApp::Application.routes
Each item in this list processes an incoming environment hash and calls the
Rack component under it in turn. What do all these entries have in common?
They all respond to #call
, and they all follow the Rack specification.
The final entry, MyApp::Application.routes
, is the routes defined by
and is an ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet
object that
maps path info to controller actions. Each Rails controller action is a Rack
endpoint in itself. You can verify this by running the following in a rails console
# assuming a controller named `MyController` with an `index` action:
> rails console
> MyController.action(:show)
You can see that fetching an action by name returns a Proc
object, which
responds to #call
For additional Rails specific tips and information on Rack, check out the Rails guide Rails on Rack.