iOS Progressive Web App Dialog bug
Dark mode and RSS
Environmental Hardware Upgrades: iPhone 16e
Building an accessible search page with progressive enhancements
Self hosting Rails on a Mac
Progressive HTML Currency Input
Things I learned this week
Saving $1,000 in interest using money market funds to pay bills
Ruby timezones and testing
Rails 5 Production Database Protection
How to sort GitHub notifications in Gmail
How to have an effective one on one
Building reusable Ruby scripts
Protecting Resque::Server
Interview your libraries
Ruby Incompatible Encoding Errors
Ruby on Rack
Blog Reboot, Lessons Learned
And You Thought Render Farms Were Just For Pixar!
Building Streaming REST APIs with Ruby
Define Custom Callbacks for ActiveRecord and More
Real Web Performance for Users, not Robots
Faraday: One HTTP Client to Rule Them All
Writing a Custom Rails Cache Store
Pry Productivity From Your Code
Balancing Pain and Happiness
Prototyping with Compass and Serve
Hunting Down Execution Order Test Failures
Backbone.js: Sessions and Authentication
Useful Libraries: Rake::Pipeline and Spade
Planning a Big Data Migration
Behind the Curtain: Grape API Versioning
Developers, what are you thankful for?
The Scrappy Guide to Pre-Launch Bootstrapping
Rubies to Prevent Devops Mayhem
Node.js Jumpstart
My Web Development Toolbox, 2010 Edition
Modular Cocoa Interfaces
Fixing Common Bundler Problems
Resque Cheatsheet
New Beginnings: Starting with Intridea
Getting Around in MongoDB
Email Delivery for Webapps
Beerpad Hackathon: Hosting with Heroku
Reaction to 37Signal's Getting Real
Hackathon creation: Beerpad
Page Caching Gotcha on Heroku
Rails Dependency Management
Tips of the Day
Tips of the Day
Tips of the Day
Tips of the Day
Ruby Rails Gmail SMTP
A Day in Python Library Hell
Ruby Python Cheatsheet
Talking the Startup Talk, Walking the Outspokes Walk: Founders
The Software Maintenance Light
Introspecting Rails Models and Controllers Callbacks
Ruby Postgresql Gem Cleanup
Fast Tracked iPhone Development
Adventures with ActiveRecord find
Rails 2.2.2 Chicken and Egg Migrations Headache
Rails and Gems Documentation Everywhere
Another .irbrc Jewel
Multiple Gmail Accounts on OSX Done Right
Emacs Refactoring
Rails-like Javascript Date Helpers
Rails Flash with Ajax
OS X GUI Tool 'HTTP Client'
How to Make an API for a Rails App
Deploying into the Night
Subversion for the Lazy
Dump Test Data from Production to Development with yaml_db
Building Webapp Menus
Hacking Live Systems
Where to Find Things in Rails
Coupa and Rails 2
Week of Insomnia
Mini-apps Galore!
Picking at Capistrano
Tweaking Apache with Phusion Passenger
Debian/Ubuntu Specific Rails with Postgresql
Messy Ruby Requires
Flaco Crushers
Flaco Rewrite
My Keyboard
Emacs Info
Rails String Inflections
RSpec'ing acts_as_state_machine
First Sprint
Dangerous Scaffolding
Capify my App
Fuck Fixtures
Rails Webapp Engineering
Platform of Choice
Fuzz Testing and Being a Dick
my $perl;
Kernel Designs
Emacs Tips
Rails Tips
Premature Software Testing
Customizing Emacs
Common Latex Usage
My Computing Environment
Setup Rails with Postgresql
CSS Tips and Tricks
Infuriating Job Applications
Flaco Blog
Shoot em up Debugging